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Reproduction Heads Only

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This beautiful reproduction head is taken from a rare EJA Jumeau doll.  This doll has such a pleasant expression.  The head circumference is 10" above the ears.  A Seeley FB17 body would work well with this head, although there may be other bodies that will work.  The completed doll will be about 22" tall.  The head includes the brown glass paperweight eyes from Hand Glass in England.  The blonde mohair wig is not included and only shown to give you an idea of how the head will look once wigged.  $250 (includes shipping)


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Here is an A.M. character doll, Fany.  She (or he!) is a rare pouty German character child. The photos really don't do this doll head justice in its expression.  The head circumference is 9-7/8" above the ears.  This head would work best on a 10" to 11" German body.  The head includes the blue glass paperweight eyes but does not include the brown mohair wig.  $175 (includes shipping)


meinleiblinghead1.jpg (106361 bytes)This head is a reproduction Mein Leibling to make about an 18"-20" doll.  A Seeley Daisy body would work, as well as the Seeley GB15 or the Byron B-117 bodies with the slanted hip joints.  There are also a number of antique German bodies on eBay that would be great for this head.  Look for something in the 14"-15" range.  $150


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